Empowering women to participate equally in the global economy could add $28 trillion in GDP growth by 2025.

When Women Thrive So Does the World


Pay Gap.

No country (including the top-ranked ones) have yet achieved gender parity in wages.

Workforce Gap.

Nearly 2.2 million women have left the workforce during the pandemic in the US alone.

  • Leadership Gap

  • Women of color held a drastically smaller share of management positions, less than 5% in the US alone.

Investment Gap.

Quarterly VC funding for female founders drops to three-year low as of October 2020.

  • Female Founders Got 2% of Venture Capital Dollars in 2017

  • Lack of finance is a major constraint to the growth of female-owned enterprises.

Women + Planet. Both are a life force and the keys to our future.


Violence Against Women.

Mental Health Crisis.

  • Unipolar depression, predicted to be the second leading cause of global disability burden by 2020, is twice as common in women.

  • An estimated 80% of 50 million people affected by violent conflicts, civil wars, disasters, and displacement are women and children.

  • Several studies suggest that the incidences of burnout among women are greater because of differences in job conditions.


Climate Crisis.